2009 Intimate partner violence and role of health care workers: research to strengthen health systems

Kristien Roelens, Hans Verstraelen, Marleen Temmerman

2009 Intimate partner violence: the gynaecologist's perspective

Kristien Roelens, Hans Verstraelen, Marleen Temmerman

2009 Is scaling up enough to curb the HIV epidemic in southern Africa?

Wim Delva, Carel Pretorius, Marleen Temmerman

2009 Issues in the European health care for victims of female genital mutilation

Els Leye, Marleen Temmerman

2009 Letter 8837 > Darwin, C.R. to Doedes, N.D.; 2 apr 1873

Marleen Temmerman

2009 Levels of innate immune factors in genital fluids : association of alpha defensins and LL-37 with genital infections and increased HIV acquisition

Pauline Levinson, Rupert Kaul, Joshua Kimani, Elizabeth Ngugi, Stephen Moses, Kelly MacDonald, Kristian Broliden, Taha Hirbod, Kibera HIV Study Group, Marleen Temmerman

2009 Longitudinal analysis of the vaginal microflora in pregnancy suggests that L. crispatus promotes the stability of the normal vaginal microflora and that L. gasseri and/or L. iners are more conducive to the occurrence of abnormal vaginal microflora

Hans Verstraelen, Rita Verhelst, Geert Claeys, Ellen De Backer, Marleen Temmerman, Mario Vaneechoutte

2009 Mama Daktari - Gynaecologe in Afrika

Marleen Temmerman

2009 Marleen Temmerman's brief aan Darwin

Marleen Temmerman

2009 Maternele Sterfte: nog steeds een groot probleem in Afrika

TOENGA DE VOS, Kristien Roelens, Marleen Temmerman


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