The feasibility of European reproductive health indicators

Auteurs & affiliatie

Mika Gissler, Katri Hannikainen-Ingman, Serena Donati, Albrecht Jahn, Miguel Oliveira da Silva, Elina Hemminki, REPROSTAT Group, Marleen Temmerman


Objective The elaboration of a European health monitoring system is an ongoing process. Our aim was to study the availability, feasibility and comparability of the reproductive health indicators and to illustrate whether cross-country comparisons are feasible for pinpointing areas of concern and future research. Methods We surveyed 18 reproductive health indicators from eight countries: Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Romania and Spain. The data were obtained from national sources and international health databases. Results Indicators based on routine health and population statistics and registers were available, reliable, and comparable. The only exceptions were the proportion of children born after assisted reproductive technology and age-specific teenage birth rates, which were less commonly available. There were more problems in obtaining comparable information for indicators which are to be taken from health surveys. In many cases the data did not exist at all or were old. The comparability was also affected by the significant variation in data collection methods, inclusion criteria and survey-question wording. Consequently, the comparability could not be ascertained with our data. Conclusions Health surveys seldom include questions on reproductive and sexual health. The European Health Interview should include core questions on reproductive and sexual health.




Marleen Temmerman

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