Maternal matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-3 and 9 levels in preterm birth

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Inge Tency, Hans Verstraelen, IVO KROES, Gabriële Holtappels, Mario Vaneechoutte, Rita Verhelst, Marleen Temmerman


OBJECTIVE: MMPs may play a role in initiating labour and rupture of membranes. Therefore, we measured serum concentrations of MMP-3 and MMP-9 in women in preterm labour (group 1) as compared to women in term labour (group 2) and gestational age matched controls between 24-33 weeks not in labour (group 3). METHODS: Case-control study in singleton pregnancies. MMP-9 levels were measured in 27 women in group 1 and 3, and 26 women in group 2. MMP-3 levels were determined in 15 women in each group. Maternal serum MMP-3 and MMP-9 were measured by Luminex multianalyte profiling technology. A spike and recovery experiment was performed to validate the immunoassay for serum. RESULTS: Mean MMP-9 serum levels were significantly higher in preterm labour compared to term labour (3588.9 pg/ml vs. 1791.6 pg/ml; P < 0.001). MMP-9 levels were also higher in the preterm labour group as compared to gestational age matched controls (3588.9 pg/ml vs. 1628.4 pg/ml; P < 0.001). MMP-3 levels were not increased during preterm birth. The detection rate of MMP-3 in serum was lower than for MMP-9 (73.3% vs. 95%). CONCLUSION: MMP-9 was increased in patients with preterm labour, suggesting a role for MMP-9 in the process of preterm birth.




Marleen Temmerman

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