Data for: Acceptability and feasibility of video-based health education for maternal and infant health in Dirashe district, South Ethiopia: A qualitative study

Auteurs & affiliatie

Wanzahun Godana Boynito, Souheila Abbeddou, Stefaan De Henauw, Godana Yaya Te, Kidus Temesgen


Project Overview Evidence about innovative methods to facilitate nutrition education counseling and promote the intended behavior change at scale is limited. A phenomenological study at the end of a cluster randomized controlled trial to provide insight into the acceptability and feasibility of video-based behavior change communication (BCC) was conducted. The beliefs, attitudes, needs, and situations of video implementers, beneficiaries, and health extension workers (HEWs) at the end of a cluster randomized controlled intervention conducted in the Dirashe District, South Ethiopia were investigated. This qualitative study aimed to assess the feasibility and acceptability of video-based BCC in a local context and to identify the opportunities and challenges of video-based BCC implementation. The aim of the study was to promote community care for pregnant women, mothers, and infants. The acceptability and feasibility of the video-based intervention were found to be good. It was suggested that determining a common location/venue to show the videos, involving husbands, and involving HEWs could improve the intervention. Data Overview The experiences of study participants in a trial testing the effectiveness of video-based health education on birth outcomes and nutritional status of mothers and their infants six months postpartum were assessed. The study population included mothers, video implementers, HEWs, the Health Development Army (HDA), and nurses from the intervention communities. All participants were selected using a purposive sampling technique. Five focus group discussions (FGDs) and 37 key informant interviews (KIIs) were conducted among video implementers, mothers, nurses, and HEWs in eight intervention villages. All KIIs and FGDs were captured using voice recorders, and field notes were transcribed verbatim into local language and then translated to English by KII/FGD field facilitators every day. The translation of transcripts was done by experienced data collectors and supervisors and back translation was done to ensure the validity of the translations of the transcripts. The transcripts were checked independently by the supervisors for verification. The data were analyzed through thematic content analysis. Selection and Organization of Shared Data The interview and focus group transcripts are not shared fully, as per the conditions of the consent given by participants. Instead, the data deposit includes an aggregated compilation of the coded themes, with illustrative sample excerpts. Additional documentation files included are: code criteria, consent form, general description of the study participants, focus group checklist and interview guide.




Souheila Abbedou

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