Ms Marleen Temmerman

Professor Emeritus


Marleen Temmerman is a well-recognized global leader in women, child & adolescent health. She brings academic, technical, political, governance, management and leadership skills to the table as well as diplomacy, advocacy, fundraising, training and clinical expertise. She has a strong track record of working with governments, multilateral organisations, academia, professional bodies, development agencies, private sector, consultancy agencies, civil society, non-governmental and faith based organisations, in a global and changing world. 
Currently, she is Chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Aga Khan University Hospital and Director of the Center of Excellence in Women and Child Health, Aga Khan University East Africa (Nairobi, Kenya). Prior she was the Director of the Department of Reproductive Health and Research (RHR) at the World Health Organization (Geneva, Switzerland). RHR is the main instrument within the United Nations for research in Women's health, bringing together policy-makers and programmers, scientists, health care providers, consumers and civil society, advocates and women's groups, to identify and address priorities for research and action to improve women's health from a rights- based perspective.
She is a full Professor OB/GYN at the Ghent University in Belgium, currently with leave of absence. As an obstetrician she supervised over 18,000 births in many parts of the world, during her over 30 years of clinical work. Her interest is women’s health and rights. She is the Founding Director of the International Centre of Reproductive Health (ICRH) at Ghent University with sister research organizations in Kenya and Mozambique, and a large global collaborative academic network of 27 Universities globally. 
She has a strong academic and scientific background with over 500 publications and books in the area of women’s health, with a Hirsch index of 75. She has supervised many PhD students in Europe, Africa, Latin-America and China and received several awards and honours for her research and advocacy work. Concurrent Professor Fudan University, Honorary appointments: University of the Western Cape, South-Africa, Free University Brussels, Belgium; National Institute Family Planning Research, China. 
In 2007, Dr Temmerman was elected as a Senator in the Belgian Parliament where she was member of the Commission on Social Affairs, and Chair of the Commission on Foreign Affairs. In that capacity, she was member of the European Parliamentary Forum and Chair of the HIV/AIDS Advisory Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. 
She served as a member of the iERG (independent expert review group), installed by UN Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon, to raise the accountability in the 'Every Woman, Every Child' platform to accelerate MDG 4 and 5. She is one of the penholders of the UN Global Strategy for Women's, Children and Adolescents' Health 2016-2030, launched by the UNSG and partners in September 2015, transitioning from the MDGs to the SDGs. She is also a member of the Guttmacher-Lancet Commission on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the post-2015 world.
She is a member of the advisory group of the African First Ladies on Cervical, Breast and Prostate Cancer, chaired by HE the First Lady of Kenya in 2015, and a member of the Maisha Maarifa HIV/SRH Research Hub of the Kenyan National AIDS Control Council (NACC) to enhance access to HIV/SRH research and information to stakeholders and decision makers at all levels including the Counties, and a Member of the Kenya National Domestication of the Global AA-HA! Guidance Committee (Adolescent Health) . 
She is the AKU lead of several women and child health programmes in East-Africa such as the Canadian funded AQCESS  (Access to Quality Care through Extending and Strengthening Health Systems) and IMPACT programmes, the PRECISE research platform (UK-MRC) and several smaller research and capacity building programmes.  She is also chairing the regional AKDN maternal-child committee investing in streamlining MCH protocols and developing tools for the AKU and AKHS hospitals across the globe. She is currently managing a research portfolio of about 6 M USD within the CoEWCH.
Current important affiliations/memberships include:  Guttmacher-Lancet Commission on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the post-2015 world;  Lancet Standing Commission on Adolescent Health,  Scientific Advisory Committee of the EDCTP (European and Developing Countries Trial Partnership), as well as professional bodies,  Senior Fellow in the Institute for Global Health Diplomacy in Geneva. UNESCO Chair on Youth Leadership in Science, Health, Gender and Education at the Aga Khan University.

Publicaties van Marleen

2024 Pattern and determinants of contraceptive use among the muslim women in Wajir and Lamu counties in Kenya : a cross-sectional study

Batula Abdi, Jerry Okal, Gamal Serour, Vincent Were, Marleen Temmerman, Peter Gichangi

2024 Sexual satisfaction, an indicator of sexual health and well-being? Insights from STI/HIV prevention research in European men who have sex with men

Karel Blondeel, Massimo Mirandola, Lorenzo Gios, Cinta Folch, Christiana Noestlinger, Maddalena Cordioli, Petra De Sutter, Marleen Temmerman, Igor Toskin, [missing] Sialon II Network

2023 Evaluation of factors associated with HIV self-testing acceptability and uptake among the MSM community in Nairobi, Kenya : a cross sectional study

John Ndungu, Peter Gichangi, Marleen Temmerman

2023 Survival of cervical cancer patients at Moi teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret in western Kenya

Emily Waleghwa Mwaliko, P. Itsura, A. Keter, Dirk De Bacquer, N. Buziba, H. Bastiaens, A. Jackie, A. Obala, V. Naanyu, Peter Gichangi, Marleen Temmerman

2023 Health facilities preparedness to deliver maternal and newborn health care in Kilifi and Kisii Counties, Kenya

James Orwa, Marleen Temmerman, Lucy Nyaga, Kennedy Mulama, Stanley Lüchters

2023 Trends and factors associated with declining lifetime fertility among married women in Kenya between 2003 and 2014 : an analysis of Kenya demographic health surveys

James Orwa, Samwel Maina Gatimu, Paulino Ariho, Marleen Temmerman, Stanley Lüchters

2023 Clinical risk factors of adverse outcomes among women with COVID-19 in the pregnancy and postpartum period : a sequential, prospective meta-analysis

ER Smith, E Oakley, GW Grandner, G Rukundo, F Farooq, K Ferguson, S Baumann, KM Adams Waldorf, Y Afshar, M Ahlberg, H Ahmadzia, V Akelo, G Aldrovandi, E Bevilacqua, N Bracero, JS Brandt, N Broutet, J Carrillo, J Conry, E Cosmi, F Crispi, F Crovetto, M Del Mar Gil, C Delgado-López, H Divakar, AJ Driscoll, G Favre, I Fernandez Buhigas, V Flaherman, C Gale, CL Godwin, S Gottlieb, E Gratacós, S He, O Hernandez, S Jones, S Joshi, E Kalafat, S Khagayi, M Knight, KL Kotloff, A Lanzone, V Laurita Longo, K Le Doare, C Lees, E Litman, EM Lokken, SA Madhi, LA Magee, RJ Martinez-Portilla, TD Metz, ES Miller, D Money, S Moungmaithong, E Mullins, JB Nachega, MC Nunes, D Onyango, A Panchaud, LC Poon, D Raiten, L Regan, D Sahota, A Sakowicz, J Sanin-Blair, O Stephansson, Marleen Temmerman, A Thorson, SS Thwin, BA Tippett Barr, JE Tolosa, N Tug, M Valencia-Prado, S Visentin, Peter von Dadelszen, C Whitehead, M Wood, H Yang, R Zavala, JM Tielsch

2023 Community health workers' involvement in mother–child care during the 1st year after birth, in Kaya health district, Burkina Faso : a contribution analysis

Halima Tougri, Rachidatou Compaoré, Adja Mariam Ouédraogo, Blandine Bila, Marleen Temmerman, Séni Kouanda

2023 Germs, guns, and fear in disaster response : a rapid qualitative assessment to understand fear-based responses in the population at large : lessons from Sierra Leone 2014-2015

Cora Nally, Patrick Van de Voorde, Marleen Temmerman, Mary Adam

2023 Integrating human papillomavirus testing as a point-of care service using GeneXpert platforms : findings and lessons from a Kenyan pilot study (2019–2020)

Valerian Mwenda, Joan-Paula Bor, Mary Nyangasi, James Njeru, Sharon Olwande, Patricia Njiri, Marc Arbyn, Steven Weyers, Philippe Tummers, Marleen Temmerman

2023 Microbiota dynamics, metabolic and immune interactions in the cervicovaginal environment and their role in spontaneous preterm birth

Stanley Omondi Onyango, Jia Dai Mi, Angela Koech, Patricia Okiro, Marleen Temmerman, Peter von Dadelszen, Rachel M. Tribe, Geoffrey Omuse, [missing] the PRECISE Network

2023 P16 expression and recurrent cervical intraepithelial neoplasia after cryotherapy among women living with HIV

Daniel Maina, Michael Chung, Marleen Temmerman, Zahir Moloo, Jonathan Wawire, Sharon A. Greene, Elizabeth R. Unger, Nelly Mugo, Samah Sakr, Shahin Sayed, Christine J. McGrath

2023 Pregnancy‐related mortality up to 1 year postpartum in sub‐Saharan Africa : an analysis of verbal autopsy data from six countries

Ursula Gazeley, Georges Reniers, Julio E. Romero‐Prieto, Clara Calvert, Momodou Jasseh, Kobus Herbst, Sammy Khagayi, David Obor, Daniel Kwaro, Albert Dube, Merga Dheresa, Chodziwadziwa W. Kabudula, Kathleen Kahn, Mark Urassa, Amek Nyaguara, Marleen Temmerman, Laura A. Magee, Peter von Dadelszen, Veronique Filippi

2023 The impact of COVID-19 mitigation measures on sexual and reproductive health in low- and middle-income countries : a rapid review

Elizabeth Ochola, Maheshwari Andhavarapu, Poppy Sun, Abdu Mohiddin, Okwaro Ferdinand, Marleen Temmerman

2022 Assessment of the lifetime prevalence and incidence of induced abortion and correlates among female sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya : a secondary cohort analysis

Anne Marieke Simmelink, Caroline M Gichuki, Frances H Ampt, Griffins Manguro, Megan S C Lim, Paul Agius, Margaret Hellard, Walter Jaoko, Mark A Stoové, Kelly L'Engle, Marleen Temmerman, Peter Gichangi, Stanley Lüchters

2022 Increased condom use among key populations using oral PrEP in Kenya : results from large scale programmatic surveillance

Griffins Manguro, Abednego M. Musau, Daniel K. Were, Soud Tengah, Brian Wakhutu, Jason Reed, Marya Plotkin, Stanley Lüchters, Peter Gichangi, Marleen Temmerman

2022 Busting contraception myths and misconceptions among youth in Kwale County, Kenya : results of a digital health randomised control trial

Peter Gichangi, Lianne Gonsalves, Jefferson Mwaisaka, Mary Thiongo, Ndema Habib, Michael Waithaka, Tigest Tamrat, Alfred Agwanda, Hellen Sidha, Marleen Temmerman, Lale Say

2022 Differences in HIV, STI and other risk factors among younger and older male sex workers who have sex with men in Nairobi, Kenya

Nicholas Muraguri, Jerry Okoth Okal, Marleen Temmerman, Dunstan Mukoko, Helgar K. Musyoki, Peter Gichangi

2022 Missed opportunities for family planning counselling among postpartum women in eleven counties in Kenya

Mary N. Thiongo, Peter Gichangi, Michael Waithaka, Amy Tsui, Linnea A. Zimmerman, Scott Radloff, Marleen Temmerman, Saifuddin Ahmed

2022 Are Kenyans likely to use COVID-19 self-testing kits? Results from a cross-sectional survey

Griffins Manguro, Sonjelle Shilton, Sharon Omenda, Patrica Owira, Deepshikha Batheja, Abhik Banerji, Sophie Vusha Chabeda, Marleen Temmerman, Walter Jako, Joseph Ndungu, Stanley Lüchters, Elena Ivanova Reipold, Guillermo Z. Martínez-Pérez

Projecten van Marleen

Mother and child health

Moederwachthuizen: Wachthuizen voor aanstaande moeders

In Afrika sterft één op de 210 moeders tijdens de zwangerschap of bevalling. Een van de oorzaken is het relatief lage aantal institutionele bevallingen, vanwege transportproblemen en gebrek aan infrastructuur, maar ook als gevolg van culturele vooroordelen en weerstand tegen bevallen buiten de familiekring. Een van de manieren om institutionele bevallingen te bevorderen en aan te moedigen is de oprichting van "kraamopvangcentra" of "kraamwachthuizen": faciliteiten waar toekomstige moeders de laatste dagen van hun zwangerschap dicht bij een kraamkliniek kunnen doorbrengen, zodat ze verzekerd zijn van snelle professionele zorg tijdens de bevalling. Dit soort faciliteiten bestaat in veel Afrikaanse landen, maar vaak is de werking niet optimaal en is de bezettingsgraad veel lager dan het zou kunnen zijn. ICRH lanceerde een project in Kenia, gericht op het stimuleren van het gebruik van kraamwachthuizen en het verbeteren van hun werking.

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HIV & AIDS Seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen (soa's) Adolescent and youth health Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Interpersonal violence Mother and child health Reproductive rights Family planning and contraception Gender Migrant health Policy analysis

Academisch netwerk voor seksuele en reproductieve gezondheid en rechten beleid (ANSER)

Universiteit Gent richtte het ANSER (Academic Network for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Policy) op. Het netwerk wordt internationaal gedragen door tientallen instellingen.

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HIV & AIDS Seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen (soa's) Mother and child health Reproductive rights

Institutional University Cooperation with University Eduardo Mondlane

In the context of the University Development Cooperation, the Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM), Mozambique, was selected as a partner institution of the VLIR-UDC-programme ‘Institutional University Cooperation’. The implementation of the Partner Programme with UEM (2008-2013) is coordinated by professor Marleen Temmerman. The programme is being implemented inter-university and has as central theme ‘Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS’. It comprises, in this first phase, 8 projects. Five projects address a sub-theme of the central theme and 3 projects will strengthen capacity in specific areas.

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Interpersonal violence Mother and child health

Partner violence and pregnancy, an intervention-study within perinatal care (MOM-study)

Large-scale prevalence study of physical, psychological and sexual violence one year before, during and one year after pregnancy

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HIV & AIDS Seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen (soa's) Health system research Reproductive rights

Diagonal Interventions to Fast Forward Enhanced Reproductive Health (DIFFER)

The DIFFER project aims at improving access to sexual and reproductive health for the most vulnerable by a better linkage between interventions targeted at most-at-risk populations, in particular female sex workers, and the general reproductive health services. It will be implemented at four sites in Kenya (Mombasa), Mozambique (Tete), South Africa (Durban) and India (Mysore).

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Family planning and contraception Abortion

INPAC - INtegrating Post-Abortion family planning services into existing abortion services in hospital settings in China

INPAC (INtegrating Post-Abortion family planning services into existing abortion services in hospital settings in China) is a collaborative research project under the European Commission (EC) Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). The project has started on August 1, 2012 and runned for 4 years.

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Health system research Mother and child health

MOMI - Missed Opportunities in Maternal and Infant Health: reducing maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity in the year after childbirth through combined facility- and community-based interventions

The main objective is to improve maternal and newborn health through a focus on the postpartum period, adopting context-specific strategies to strengthen health care delivery and services at both facility and community level in four sub-Saharan countries (Burkina Faso, Kenya, Malawi and Mozambique).

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Interpersonal violence Mother and child health Perinatal Mental Health

A European six country study on victimization, life events, fear of childbirth an mode of delivery (BIDENS)

The project aims to assess violence related factors that may influence pregnant women’s fear of childbirth and how this affects the mode of delivery, in order to improve antenatal care and maternity services in 6 European countries

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HIV & AIDS Seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen (soa's) Health system research Reproductive rights

Improved Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Services for Most at Risk Populations in Tete, Mozambique (Tete-MARP)

The Tete-MARP project aims at improving HIV prevention and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) among female sex workers (FSW) in the Tete-Moatize area in Mozambique. The project uses an HIV combination prevention approach, combining behavioural, biological and structural interventions, integrates HIV services with services for other SRHR topics and targets male clients of FSW for behaviour change.

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Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

REPLACE a 12 month Daphne III funded project

REPLACE was a 12 month Daphne III funded project, aiming to contribute to efforts to end female genital mutilation (FGM) across the EU among practicing communities. The Replace II project follows on from this pilot project and was launched March 18th 2013.

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Health system research Adolescent and youth health Reproductive rights

CERCA, Community-embedded reproductive health care for adolescents in Latin America

CERCA aims to contribute to the global knowledge about how health systems could be more responsive to the sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents and by extension to the other health needs of the community. A community based participatory action research method will be applied. The consortium will develop and test a model of community-embedded interventions. The research is conducted in Bolivia, Ecuador and Nicaragua.

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Interpersonal violence Gender

A European research project on domestic violence against women/men in Europe (DOVE)

The general objective of the DOVE project was to collect, describe, compare and analyse documents on policies and practices directly addressing domestic violence that are being implemented throughout the participating countries

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HIV & AIDS Seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen (soa's)

Biomarkers - EDCTP

The Biomarkers Study, short for “Characterisation of Novel Microbicide Safety Biomarkers in East and South Africa”, was initiated with the overall aim of establishing baseline ranges of biomarkers related to the vaginal environment in African target populations for microbicide trials.

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Reproductive rights

Enhancing qualitative health delivery in primary health services in transition in Nicaragua

In Nicaragua, a new model of integrated primary health care (MAIS, modelo de atención integral en salud), is currently being implemented in primary health centres. Although the new model gives opportunities for more qualitative, accessible and equitable health care, the implementation is hampered by organizational, communicative and technical insufficiencies. The present project investigates strategies to strengthen the implementation of the model through academically guided activities related to organization, technical ability, communication and research. The pivotal theme of the project is reproductive health delivery, identified as one of the most vulnerable aspects in this transition phase.

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Adolescent and youth health Reproductive rights

LuMIMA Project

On May 10th 2012 ICRH organized the interactive event LuMIMA, an information and sensitization initiative within the framework of the Belgian Development Days.

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Mother and child health

Support for Integrated Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition Services in Tete Province, Mozambique

The project called ‘Support for Integrated Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition Services in Tete Province, Mozambique’ is funded by UNICEF, and implemented by ICRH Mozambique in collaboration with the Provincial Health Department in Tete Province, Mozambique. The overall objective of the project is to improve the provision of quality integrated maternal and child health and nutrition services in the province.

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Mother and child health Clinical care

Determinants of increased Caesarean section rate in low risk pregnancies in Belgium (CS-study)

The increase of the prevalence rate of Caesarean Sections (CS) is a worldwide phenomenon, a trend that has also been observed in Belgium.

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Mother and child health

Violence, fear of childbirth and mode of delivery

The project aims to assess violence related factors that may influence pregnant women’s fear of childbirth and how this affects the mode of delivery, in order to improve antenatal care and maternity services.

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Modelling the impact of microbicides on HIV incidence and HIV prevalence

The overall objective of this project is to develop and apply dynamic epidemiological microsimulation models to assess the expected impact of microbicides on HIV incidence and HIV prevalence. These models will be applied in a population of female sex workers and their clients in Mombasa, Kenya. The expected impact of microbicides on HIV incidence and HIV prevalence is a function of the intrinsic efficacy of the modeled microbicide and the behavioral, demographical and epidemiological dynamics of the population in which the microbicides are introduced.

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Developing an internal strategy for science communication

Main objective: to bring and keep the scientific projects of the ICRH to the notice of the general population through the use of visual and other attractive communication methods

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HIV & AIDS Seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen (soa's)

Integrated Network Combating HIV/AIDS in Tete - Phase 2

Main objective: The capacity of the Tete Provincial Health Department to provide quality HIV/AIDS/STI services is strengthened

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Preparing for Phase III vaginal microbicide trials in Rwanda and Kenya

The study prepares two sites (in Kigali and Mombasa) for Phase I, II and III clinical microbicide trials.

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Reproductive rights Family planning and contraception

YOLAMI, Young Labour Migrants in Chinese cities

General objective To investigate how the access to health care of young people who recently migrated to large Chinese cities can be improved and how their sexual and reproductive health can be enhanced, using the workplaces as an entry point.

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HIV & AIDS Adolescent and youth health Reproductive rights

Effectiveness of HIV prevention interventions for young people in sub-Sahara Africa

To introduce HIV education on larger scale, it is necessary to know which programmes are effective in reducing sexual risk behavior in young people and which programmes generate only few results. A large problem in evaluating programs is that sexual behavior cannot be observed directly and that it is influenced by a large variety of determinants. The main objectives of this project are to development a theoretical model of the determinants of sexual risk behavious and to assess the utility and effectiveness of this model in HIV prevention programmes among children and youth in Rwanda.

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Mother and child health

CHIMACA: Structural Hinders to and Promoters of Good Maternal Care in Rural China

General objective To strengthen and improve the performance of health care system in rural China in order to improve maternal and child health.

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HIV & AIDS Adolescent and youth health

HIV prevention: researching the critical success factors of peer education

During the last few years many governments and organisations have been financing and implementing HIV/AIDS prevention projects in sub-Sahara Africa. One of the methods used in HIV prevention that has known a steep upsurge is peer education. The Rwandan Red Cross, with the support of the Belgian Red Cross, has used this methods in its programmes in Rwanda. Because of the succes, the Red Cross aims to scale-up its programme. In that context, research is needed to study the critical success or failure factors of this method.

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Interpersonal violence

A participatory partnership for prevention of sexual violence against transmigrants in Morocco

Objectives: To research sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) against trans-migrants in Morocco who aimed or are still aiming at moving on to Europe, in a participatory way To raise awareness about SGBV against trans-migrants among different Moroccan and European stakeholders and the prevention needs and possibilities To empower trans-migrants in preventing SGBV

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Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Improving FGM-law enforcement in Europe: dissemination of lessons learned and capacity building of actors in (para)legal field

This project aims at enhancing the implementation of criminal and child protection laws on female genital mutilation in the EU.

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Interpersonal violence

Verborgen Zorgen

15 women acting as “network seeds” of which are: 3 undocumented migrant, 3 asylum seeking, 3 refugee, 3 migrant and 3 native women are trained on Sexual and Gender-based Violence, the importance and role of networking in prevention and taking photographs An intercultural network of at least 45 women sharing their experience with SGBV and their prevention needs An exhibition with 15 photographs covering the network of each network seed woman A world café with politicians and other stakeholders on SGBV and the prevention of it

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Interpersonal violence Reproductive rights

EN-HERA! The European Network for the Promotion of Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Europe & beyond

Objectives: To set up a network for the Promotion of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights of Refugees and Asylum Seekers among different stakeholders involved in SRH for refugees and asylum seekers To gradually expand the coverage by the network of the EU area to at least 13 EU Member States To develop a framework for the identification of good practices in SRH policy development for refugees and asylum seekers, SRH services for refugees and asylum seekers and participatory approach of SRH of refugees and asylum seekers To set a common research agenda on SRH of refugees and asylum seekers in the EU To organise an international seminar on SRH of refugees and asylum seekers in the EU To publish and disseminate the project results

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Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Community-based interventions targeting behaviour change towards the practice of FGM in Burkina Faso and Sudan

This project contributes to the global efforts to abandon female genital mutilation, through the implementation of an intervention project targeting behaviour change in Burkina Faso and Sudan.

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Assessment of HIV testing in Europe: from policy to effectiveness

A large proportion of HIV infected persons - ranging from an estimated 15% to over 50% in EU countries - are unaware of their infection, and therefore do not benefit from treatment and may transmit HIV to others, unknowingly. There is evidence that many opportunities are being missed to diagnose HIV infections in EU countries, particularly in health care settings. ECDC has commissioned ICRH to carry out a study on HIV testing policies, practices and barriers to HIV testing in the EU Member States.

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HIV & AIDS Mother and child health

Impact of HAART during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding on MTCT of HIV and Mother’s Health: The Kesho Bora Study

Main objective: To optimize the use of ARV drugs during the antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum periods to prevent MTCT of HIV and preserve the health of the mother in settings where the majority of HIV-infected women breastfeed.

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Interpersonal violence

Development of a prevention tool to combat violence against refugees in Europe: a participatory approach

Objectives: To research sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) against refugee women and girls in Europe in a participatory way To develop a prevention tool which can be used by refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants in Europe To raise awareness about SGBV against refugees among the general European public To empower refugee women and girls and to involve men equally

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Cervical cancer and HPV

Integration of the diagnosis and management of cervical neoplasia in the curriculum of nursery, medicine and gynaecology

General Objectives To reduce the incidence, morbidity and mortality related to cervical cancer in Nicaragua. To upgrade the curricula of nursery, medicine and gynaecology at UNAN-Managua to international standards Specific Objectives Nurses, doctors and gynaecologists graduating at UNAN-Managua will be competent to adequately diagnosing and managing precancerous lesions of the cervix, and this adapted to their clinical function. Patients with precancerous lesions of the cervix, presenting at Bertha Calderon Women´s Hospital, will be timely and correctly managed.

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HIV & AIDS Seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen (soa's) Cervical cancer and HPV

University of Nairobi collaboration

Objectives: To determine prevalences, viral parameters of HIV and HPV and its relation to cervical neoplasia in the general population of Nairobi; To determine the effect of contraceptives on the HIV viral transmission/shedding; To determine the effect of cytokines and immune components on HIV transmission/shedding

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HIV & AIDS Mother and child health Reproductive rights Family planning and contraception

Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV during pregnancy and breastfeeding among women in Coast Province, Kenya

Objectives: This study aims to describe the sexual and reproductive health of pregnant and postpartum women with HIV and investigate determinants of sexual and reproductive health in these women. Specifically, the study is designed to determine the effects of family planning counselling and contraceptive methods; length of postpartum abstinence; uptake of postpartum care; disclosure of HIV status; sexual violence; patterns of alcohol use; and infant feeding practices on the sexual and reproductive health of women in the year following childbirh.

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Family planning and contraception Abortion

PAFP CHINA: Post Abortion Family Planning Services in China

General objective: To define optimal ways to introduce post-abortion family planning services in urban areas in China in order to increase contraceptive use after induced abortion and subsequently reduce the rate of unwanted pregnancies and repeat abortion rate.

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Cervical cancer and HPV

Management of cervical dysplasia in HIV positive women

objectives: To assess the effectiveness of outpatient management of precancerous lesions of the cervix in HIV positive women and to identify predictors for progression

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Lab capacity strengthening

Main objective: To improve the quality of the clinical laboratory

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Strategy choices in HIV-infected pregnant women

Objectives: To determine the cost-benefit of HAART in mother-to-child-transmission of HIV To develop new methods to determine viral parameters

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HIV & AIDS Adolescent and youth health

Combating HIV/AIDS in children and youth through education and training

Education and training can play a vital role in the fight against HIV/AIDS. They can inform and empower children and youth and thereby have a direct impact on the evolution of the epidemic. Education and training can as well have an impact on society, by changing social norms, fighting stigma and discrimination or triggering economic development and thereby have an indirect impact on the evolution of HIV/AIDS. At the same time, the already under resourced and overcharged education systems in sub-Saharan Africa are also affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

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Integrated Network Combating HIV/AIDS in Tete - Phase 1

Main objective: To reduce the impact of the HIV epidemic in Tete province, and more specifically in the City of Tete and in Moatize District

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Mother and child health

Maisha / Uzazi Bora intervention project

Objectives: To reduce the transmission of mother-to-child transmission of HIV through the provision of a package of available, affordable and effective interventions in mother-child health To improve the health status of women and children in the Coast Province of Kenya. Specific objectives are to reduce maternal and infant mortality and morbidity and to reduce the transmission of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in the Coast Province of Kenya

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HIV & AIDS Cervical cancer and HPV Mother and child health


Main objective: to strenghten the capacity of two clinical research sites in Africa

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Seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen (soa's)

Diagnosis and Treatment of STI in women

objectives: To test the operational sensitivity and specificity, the financial accessibility and feasibility of a new rapid, point of care test for STI.

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HIV/AIDS prevention (IMPACT) project

Objectives: To reduce HIV transmission, as measured by decreased sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in selected sex worker communities and workplaces in Mombasa. This goal will be realised through the promotion of safer sexual behaviour among the target groups, mainly through peer-education led activities.

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Seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen (soa's)

STI in Pregant Women: The Partner Method

Main objective: To develop a model to improve the control of sexually transmitted infections in pregnant women in Mozambique

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Cervical cancer and HPV

Natural history and role of HPV in recurrence of dysplasia after treatment of precancerous lesions of the cervix

Objectives: To describe the natural history of HPV infection in women who have been treated for CIN To assess the relevance of persistent HPV infection in women as a prognostic marker for recurrence after treatment for CIN

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Prenatal HIV screening

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HIV & AIDS Seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen (soa's)

Diaphragm study

Main objective: To assess acceptability of, compliance with, and effectiveness of the diaphragm and cervical caps in a population of high-risk women.

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Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Strengthening the European Network for the Prevention of FGM by building on experiences and results from the early past

This project aimed at disseminated results of former Daphne projects on female genital mutilation, in order to strengthen the existing European Network for the Prevention of FGM.

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Cervical cancer and HPV

Cervical cancer screening in Primay Health Care

Objectives: To improve the reproductive health of Nicaraguan women through the implementation of an adequate, integrated pilot programme for cervical cancer screening at 3 levels (population, health care centre, district hospital).

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Reproductive rights

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Poverty Reduction among Women: a Gender Perspective

Sexual and reproductive ill-health is a cause as well as a consequence of poverty among women who end in a down-ward trend together with their children. Overall policy makers pay little attention to the situation of poor women in the development of their poverty reduction strategy.

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Cervical cancer and HPV

Mombasa Cervical Cancer Screening Project

Objectives: To assess the success of community outreach to enhance the coverage of at risk women with cervical pre-cancer. To assess the performance of different methods for cervical cancer screening (Papanicolaou (PAP) smear, visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) and testing for Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)) in field conditions in poor resource countries. To evaluate outpatient treatment, including "see and treat" for cervical pre-cancer when applied in field conditions. To set up a cervical cancer task force in an urban setting in Kenya.

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Reproductive rights

Integration of refugee women in Europe through the promotion of their sexual and reproductive health rights

Main objective: To improve the integration of refugee women through the promotion of their SRH rights

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Interpersonal violence

Impact Study on the Protocol Violence Guide

Objectives: To test the impact of the Violence Protocol Guide To update and finalize the guidelines and make them available through a publication.

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Interpersonal violence Reproductive rights Family planning and contraception

SRH education for immigrants in Flanders

Objectives To make subjects like family planning, sexual health, HIV & STI's discussable To improve reproductive health of immigrants in Flanders

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HIV & AIDS Seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen (soa's)

STI Syndromic approach (Concerted Action)

Objectives: Identify strategies and tools to improve the use of the syndromic approach to optimise Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) management/prevention in resource poor settings with high incidence of STI and HIV Ensure continuation of a collaborative network of researchers, to appraise existing STI management/prevention/control programs using the syndromic approach in 4 Southern and Eastern African countries. Enhance co-operation between scientists and policy makers involved in health systems development and development of preventive methods, new diagnostic tools and therapeutic regimens, in order to enhance the effectiveness, coverage and quality of care in existing primary health care services and programmes.

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Interpersonal violence

Gender-based Violence Protocol for the University Hospital of Ghent

Objectives To improve the support of victims of gender-based violence To develop a protocol for cooperation between different hospital services as the emergencies, medical departments and social services. To develop a protocol for cooperation between a hospital and the family doctor, social workers outside the hospital, police, court.

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Adolescent and youth health Reproductive rights

Sexual and Reproductive Health of Adolescent Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons

During war and armed conflict the vulnerability of children and adolescents increases, particularly cwhere their sexual and reproductive health rights and needs are concerned. Responding to these rights and needs requires a very specific approach.

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Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Assessing the impact of existing legislation in Europe with regard to female genital mutilation

This project aimed at reviewing existing criminal and child protection laws in 15 EU countries and made a comparative analysis of the implementation of the laws in 5 EU countries (Belgium, France, Spain, Sweden, UK).

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Reproductive rights

Flemish research and Science Sharing

Objectives: To make an inventory of recent research (2000 - 2003) in/with or for developing countries; To map the different fields of expertise; To identify the principal actors (institutions and research groups); To formulate conclusions and recommendations to optimize the expertise in Flanders concerning development cooperation

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Interpersonal violence

Violence in Pregnancy: qualitative and quantitative study of the problem

Objectives To document the prevalence of violence in pregnancy in a pilot region (East Flanders) To test and adept the "Abuse Assessment Screening" tool to the Belgian context To assess the possibilities for referral of victims through a KAP survey among gynaecologists To identify the use of health care services as well as potential obstacles for the victims of violence during pregnancy

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Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Prevention of FGM in Europe

This project aimed at sensitising NGOs, professionals and public opinion on the problem of FGM.

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Use of nevirapine to reduce MTCT of HIV in a real-life situation

Objectives: To assess the feasibility, acceptability and cost-effectiveness of te his easy-to-use regimen in a 'real life' situation.

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Reproductive rights

Sexual and Reproductive Rights of Refugees and Internally Displaced Women as cornerstone of respect for human rights

International organizations agree that the protection of teh sexual and reproductive health rights of refugee and internally displaced women should be a priority in humanitarian programmes. However, these rights are often regarded to be of less importance than the general problems faced by refugees and internally displaced persons

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Intervention study to reduce Mother-to-child transmission of HIV

Objectives: To examine whether the intervention strategy of vaginal cleansing with a diluted chlorhexidine solution during labour can reduce the risk of transmission of HIV infection from mother-to-child. To acquire a better understanding of the timing of perinatal transmission of HIV-1.

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Seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen (soa's)

Integration of STI in Family Planning

Objectives: To improve the integration of the management of sexually transmitted infections and HIV in family planning programs in China by the development of a model to include the curative and preventive management of STI and HIV in the current reproductive health programmes.

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Seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen (soa's)

Syphilis guidelines

To revise a draft WHO document that was written as a programme guide, focusing on strategies and programme components.

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HIV & AIDS Seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen (soa's)

New approaches for quality of care in Reproductive Health (Concerted Action)

Objectives: To improve quality of care by facilitating the implementation of innovative and cost-effective approaches to the prevention and control of STIs and HIV transmission in existing MCH and FP programs To establish a collaborative network of researchers to appraise existing SRI/HIV programs and services in four countries in Sub-Saharan Africa To enhance cooperation between scientists – involved in the development and testing of preventive methods, new diagnostic tools and therapeutic regimes – operational researches and policy makers involved in the design and management of disease control programs, and district medical officers involved in the implementation of RH care, in order to enhance the effectiveness, the coverage and the quality of care in existing programs.

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Interpersonal violence

Gender gap in access to education: focus on forced and/or early marriage of girls in Kajiado district, Kenya

This project aimed at studying the problem of early and/or forced marriages among Masaai in Kenya.

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PMTCT & Malaria

Determining the prevalence and correlates of placental malaria in HIV1 infected and non-infected women, the effect of placental malaria on viral shedding in the genital tract, and the impact of placental malaria on perinatal HIV1 transmission.

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Cervical cancer and HPV

Cervical cancer and sexually transmitted diseases

General objective: To assess the feasibility of interventions for primary and secondary prevention interventions to improve women's reproductive health (cervical cancer screening). Specific objective: To validate and enhance the specificity of visual inspection (VIA) versus PAP smear.

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Genital shedding and Mother To Child Transmission of HIV

General objective: To obtain a better understanding of the relation between the presence of the virus in the cervix and the vagina, and the risk of mother-child transmission of HIV.

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Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

European Network for the Prevention of Female Genital Mutilation in Europe

This project aimed at creating a European Network for the Prevention of Female Genital Mutilation in Europe

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Cervical cancer and HPV

Management of sexually transmitted infections and precancerous lesions

Objectives: To assess strategies for an efficient detection and treatment of cervical cancer and STDs among Nicaraguan women.

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Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Towards a consensus on female genital mutilation in the European Union

This project provided the European Commission with background information on female genital mutilation and with some recommendations to tackle this harmful traditional practice.

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Interpersonal violence

Developing strategies to combat violence against women in developing countries: health care strategies

This project aimed at formulating policy guidelines regarding prevention of gender based violence and health care interventions for victims of gender based violence.

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HIV & AIDS Seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen (soa's)

Control and Prevention of STD and HIV in Kenya

Objectives: To reduce the sexual transmission of HIV infection and STI and to decrease the complications of STI.

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Health system research Mother and child health Clinical care

Maternal Intensive Care (MIC) in Belgium

The aims of the project were threefold: 1) evaluate whether the Belgian MIC-services are being used as reference centre, 2) explore whether the financial resources where use adequately and 3) evaluate the geographical accessibility of the Belgian MIC centres

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