2011 The Health Systems Funding Platform : is this where we thought we were going?

Peter S Hill, Peter Vermeiren, Katabaro Miti, Gorik Ooms, Wim Van Damme

2011 The Joint Action and Learning Initiative : towards a global agreement on national and global responsibilities for health

Lawrence O Gostin, Eric A Friedman, Gorik Ooms, Thomas Gebauer, Narendra Gupta, Devi Sridhar, Wang Chenguang Wang Chenguang, John-Arne Rottingen, David Sanders

2011 Child malnutrition and recurrent flooding in rural eastern India: a community-based survey

Jose Manuel Rodriguez-Llanes, Shisir Ranjan-Dash, Olivier Degomme, Alok Mukhopadhyay, Debarati Guha-Sapir

2011 De kiemen van de hongersnood in Somaliƫ

Olivier Degomme

2011 Malnutrition and conflict in East Africa: the impacts of resource variability on human security

Pedram Rowhani, Olivier Degomme, Debarati Guha-Sapir, Eric F Lambin

2011 Mortality in Darfur: lessons for humanitarian policy

Olivier Degomme

2011 Pediatric daycare in Belgium

L Cohen, N Benahmed, S Laokri, Wei Hong Zhang, A De Wever, S Alexander

2011 The appropriate use of the emergency department for paediatric patients

N Benahmed, S Laokri, L Cohen, Wei Hong Zhang, S Alexander, A De Wever

2011 Unauthorised pregnancies and use of maternity care in rural China

Reija Klemetti, Elena Regushevskaya, Wei Hong Zhang, ZhuoChun Wu, Hong Yan, Yang Wang, Elina Hemminki

2011 Use of paediatric 'observation status' and effect on in-patient admission rate in accident and emergency (A&E) departments

S Laokri, Wei Hong Zhang, N Ben Hamed, L Cohen, A De Wever, S Alexander

Annual Reports

2016 2015 2014 2013 2012