2012 The preconception consultation at University Hospital Ghent: evaluation of approachability and results of follow-up

Ilse Delbaere, Joline Goossens, Ann Van Hecke, Sofie Verhaeghe, Petra De Sutter, Marleen Temmerman

2012 The use of the VOCAL-measured VI for treatment follow-up of scar pregnancies

Isabelle Dehaene, Ellen Roets, Kristien Roelens, Griet Vandenberghe, Marleen Temmerman

2011 EDCTP capacity building achievements at the International Centre For Reproductive Health (ICRH) clinical research laboratory in Mombasa, Kenya

Sammy Wambua, Stanley Lüchters, Davy Vanden Broeck, Rita Verhelst, Tania Crucitti, Janneke Van de Wijgert, Nienke Veldhuijzen, Kishor Mandaliya, Marleen Temmerman

2011 International Centre for Reproductive Health (ICRH): an international multidisciplinary centre of excellence in the field of reproductive health

Patricia Claeys, Dirk Van Braeckel, Stanley Lüchters, Olivier Degomme, Marleen Temmerman

2011 Determinants of unmet need for contraception among Chinese migrants: a worksite-based survey

Peter Decat, Wei Hong Zhang, Eileen Moyer, Yimin Cheng, Zhi-jin Wang, Ci-yong Lu, Shi-zong Wu, Ruta Jolanta Nadisauskiene, Stanley Lüchters, Myriam Deveugele, Marleen Temmerman

2011 Senperforto: determinants for effective prevention and response actions of SGBV perpetration and victimization in the European asylum reception system

Ines Keygnaert, A Anastasiou, K Camilleri, Olivier Degomme, W Devile, S Dias, CA Field, A Kovats, N Vettenburg, Marleen Temmerman

2011 Domestic violence and pregnancy: the challenge of framing a European-wide research question

Caroline Andries, Nicola Buckley, Ils De Bal, Kristien Roelens, Ingunn Studsrød, Marleen Temmerman, An-Sofie Van Parys, Halliki Voolma, Elisabeth Willumsen

2011 Bacterial vaginosis is associated with uterine cervical human papillomavirus infection: a meta-analysis

Evy Gillet, Joris Meys, Hans Verstraelen, Carolyne Bosire, Philippe De Sutter, Marleen Temmerman, Davy Vanden Broeck

2011 Prior knowledge of HPV status improves detection of CIN2+ by cytology screening

Ina H Benoy, Davy Vanden Broeck, MAYA RUYMBEKE, Shaira Sahebali, Marc Arbyn, Johannes J Bogers, Marleen Temmerman, Christophe E Depuydt

2011 The effect of integrated mother-and-child health services on the follow-up of HIV exposed infants in Mozambique

D Geelhoed, Yves Lafort, B Candrinho, E Chissale, Marleen Temmerman, Olivier Degomme

Annual Reports

2016 2015 2014 2013 2012