2014 The emergence of a global right to health norm : the unresolved case of universal access to quality emergency obstetric care

Rachel Hammonds, Gorik Ooms

2014 The political origins of health inequity : prospects for change

Ole Petter Ottersen, Jashodhara Dasgupta, Chantal Blouin, Paulo Buss, Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong, Julio Frenk, Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, Bience P Gawanas, Rita Giacaman, John Gyapong, Jennifer Leaning, Michael Marmot, Desmond McNeill, Gertrude I Mongella, Nkosana Moyo, Sigrun Mogedal, Ayanda Ntsaluba, Gorik Ooms, Espen Bjertness, Ann Louise Lie, Suerie Moon, Sidsel Roalkvam, Kristin I Sandberg, Inger B Scheel

2014 Will effective health delivery platforms be built in low-income countries?

Gorik Ooms, Peter S Hill, Yamey Asefa

2014 Conflict and Health: seven years of advancing science in humanitarian crises

Ruwan Ratnayake, Olivier Degomme, Bayard Roberts, Paul Spiegel

2014 Factorial validation of the Attitudes toward Women Scale for Adolescents (AWSA) in assessing sexual behaviour patterns in Bolivian and Ecuadorian adolescents

Lina Jaruseviciene, Sara De Meyer, Peter Decat, Apolinaras Zaborskis, Olivier Degomme, Mildrett Rojas, Salazar Arnold Hagens, Nancy Auquilla, Bernardo Vega, Anna C Gorter, Miguel Orozco, Jeffrey V Lazarus

2014 Adherence to small-quantity lipid based nutrient supplement among young Burkinabe children

Souheila Abbeddou, Sonja Y Hess, Elizabeth Yakes Jimenez, Jerome W Some, Rosemonde Guissou, Zinewende Ouedraogo, Stephen Vosti, Jean Bosco Ouedraogo, Kenneth H Brown

2014 Burkinabe infants given small quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements and illness treatment in infancy score higher in motor, language, and personal-social development

Elizabeth Prado, Souheila Abbeddou, Elizabeth Yakes Jimenez, Jérôme W Somé, Zinewende Ouédraogo, Stephen Vosti, Kathryn Dewey, Sonja Y Hess, Jean Bosco Ouédraogo, Kenneth H Brown

2014 Small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements, together with malaria and diarrhoea treatment, improve growth and prevent MAM in young Burkinabe children

Sonja Y Hess, Souheila Abbeddou, Elizabeth Yakes Jimenez, Jérôme W Somé, Stephen Vosti, Zinewende Ouédraogo, Rosemonde Guissou, Jean Bosco Ouédraogo, Kenneth H Brown

2014 Supplementing diets of Awassi ewes with olive cake and tomato pomace : on-farm recovery of effects on yield, composition and fatty acid profile of the milk

Souheila Abbeddou, Barbara Rischkowsky, Muhi El-Dine Hilali, Muhammed Haylani, Hans Dieter Hess, Michael Kreuzer

2014 'There are a lot of new people in town: but they are here for soccer, not for business': a qualitative inquiry into the impact of the 2010 soccer world cup on sex work in South Africa

Marlise Richter, Fiona Scorgie, Matthew Chersich, Stanley Lüchters

Annual Reports

2016 2015 2014 2013 2012