2019 Piloting sexual assault care centers in Belgium : who do they reach and what care is offered?

Saar Baert, Christine Gilles, Kristien Roelens, Virginie Baÿ, Ines Keygnaert

2019 Rapport d’évaluation scientifique du projet-pilote des Centres de Prise en charge des Violences Sexuelles.

Saar Baert, Ines Keygnaert

2019 Reducing barriers to report sexual victimisation to the police by providing care first : results of the Belgian Sexual Assault Care Centers’ pilot

Saar Baert, Maité Oste, Ines Keygnaert

2019 Seksueel geweld in België : omgaan met kwetsbaarheden, gevolgen en hulpzoekgedrag

Lotte De Schrijver, Anne Nobels, Saar Baert, Jana Verplancken, Ines Keygnaert

2019 Wetenschappelijk evaluatierapport pilootproject Zorgcentra na Seksueel Geweld

Saar Baert, Ines Keygnaert

2019 The right to health : from citizen's right to human right (and back)

Gorik Ooms, Ines Keygnaert, R Hammonds

2019 Assessing changes in costs of maternal postpartum services between 2013 and 2014 in Burkina Faso

Danielle Yugbare Belemsaga, Anne Goujon, Olivier Degomme, Tchichihouenichidah Nassa, Els Duysburgh, Seni Kouanda, Marleen Temmerman

2019 Contraceptive practices among unmarried women in China, 1982-2017 : systematic review and meta-analysis

Meng-Yao Wang, Wei Hong Zhang, Yi Mu, Marleen Temmerman, Jin-Ke Li, Ai Zheng

2019 Is repeat abortion a public health problem among Chinese adolescents? : a cross-sectional survey in 30 provinces

Jinlin Liu, Shangchun Wu, Jialin Xu, Marleen Temmerman, Wei Hong Zhang

2019 Early detection and treatment of perinatal mental health disorders : a perinatal mental health care protocol

Gilbert Lemmens, An-Sofie Van Parys, Caroline Vogels, Kristien Roelens, Rita Van Damme

Annual Reports

2016 2015 2014 2013 2012