2020 Relaties, Stress en Agressie in tijden van corona in België : voornaamste bevindingen over de eerste vier weken van de coronamaatregelen : rapport 1 : 13 mei 2020

Ines Keygnaert, Anne Nobels, Evelyn Schapansky, Egon Robert, Joke Depraetere, Lotte De Schrijver, Sabine De Moor, Christophe Vandeviver

2020 Relations, Stress et Agressivité en période de corona en Belgique : principaux résultats des quatre premières semaines des mesures sanitaires prises pour lutter contre le coronavirus : rapport 1 : le 13 mai 2020

Ines Keygnaert, Anne Nobels, Evelyn Schapansky, Egon Robert, Joke Depraetere, Lotte De Schrijver, Sabine De Moor, Christophe Vandeviver

2020 Slachtofferschap van geweld tijdens de COVID-19-lockdown in België : eerste resultaten van een lopend nationaal cohorteonderzoek

Christophe Vandeviver, Joke Depraetere, Evelyn Schapansky, Lotte De Schrijver, Anne Nobels, Sabine De Moor, Ines Keygnaert

2020 'Children are a blessing from God' : a qualitative study exploring the socio-cultural factors influencing contraceptive use in two Muslim communities in Kenya

Batula Abdi, Jerry Okal, Gamal Serour, Marleen Temmerman

2020 Applying the Robson classification to routine facility data to understand the Caesarean section practice in conflict settings of South Kivu, eastern DR Congo

Guy Mulinganya, Espoir Bwenge Malembaka, Melissa Lukula Akonkwa, Dieudonné Mpunga Mukendi, Etienne Kajibwami Birindwa, Ghislain Maheshe Balemba, Marleen Temmerman, Albert Mwembo Tambwe, Bart Criel, Ghislain Bisimwa Balaluka

2020 Association of differential symptoms of stress to hair cortisol and cortisone concentrations among pregnant women in Kenya

Joseph W Musana, Craig R Cohen, Miriam Kuppermann, Roy Gerona, Anthony Wanyoro, David Aguilar, Nicole Santos, Marleen Temmerman, Sandra J Weiss

2020 Authors' reply re : Delivery mode for prolonged obstructed labour resulting in obstetric fistula : a retrospective review of 4396 women in Central and East Africa

Carrie Ngongo, Thomas J. I. P. Raassen, Ladeisha Lombard, Jos van Roosmalen, Steven Weyers, Marleen Temmerman

2020 Deliver on your own : disrespectful maternity care in rural Kenya

Adelaide M. Lusambili, Violet Naanyu, Terrance J. Wade, Lindsay Mossman, Michaela Mantel, Rachel Pell, Angela Ngetich, Kennedy Mulama, Lucy Nyaga, Jerim Obure, Marleen Temmerman

2020 Delivery mode for prolonged, obstructed labour resulting in obstetric fistula : a retrospective review of 4396 women in East and Central Africa

Carrie Ngongo, TJIP Raassen, L Lombard, J Roosmalen, Steven Weyers, Marleen Temmerman

2020 Harnessing the PRECISE network as a platform to strengthen global capacity for maternal and child health research in sub-Saharan Africa

Meriel Flint-O'Kane, Peter von Dadelszen, Prestige Tatenda Makanga, Esperanca Sevene, Anna Roca, Peter Dukes, Saba Hinrichs-Krapels, Rachel Craik, Laura A. Magee, Marleen Temmerman

Annual Reports

2016 2015 2014 2013 2012