2022 To ask or not to ask? What factors were associated with a pro-active communication of general practitioners and their patients concerning domestic violence during the COVID-19-pandemic

Lisa Fomenko, Ines Keygnaert, Esther Van Poel, Claire Collins, Raquel Gómez Bravo, Päivi Korhonen, Merja Laine, Liubove Murauskiene, Athina Tatsioni, Sara Willems

2022 To report or not to report? Aangiftebereidheid van slachtoffers van seksueel geweld in België

Joke Depraetere, Ines Keygnaert, Christophe Vandeviver

2022 Vulnerabilities, consequences, and help-seeking behavior related to sexual victimization in migrants, applicants for international protection, and refugees in Europe : a critical interpretive synthesis

Lotte De Schrijver, Barbara Krahé, Tom Vander Beken, Kristien Roelens, Ines Keygnaert

2022 A critical review of adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights in Kenya

Griffins Manguro, Marleen Temmerman

2022 A multinational Delphi consensus to end the COVID-19 public health threat

JV Lazarus, D Romero, CJ Kopka, SA Karim, LJ Abu-Raddad, G Almeida, R Baptista-Leite, JA Barocas, ML Barreto, Y Bar-Yam, Q Bassat, C Batista, M Bazilian, ST Chiou, C Del Rio, GJ Dore, GF Gao, LO Gostin, M Hellard, JL Jimenez, G Kang, N Lee, M Matičič, M McKee, S Nsanzimana, M Oliu-Barton, B Pradelski, O Pyzik, K Rabin, S Raina, SF Rashid, M Rathe, R Saenz, S Singh, M Trock-Hempler, S Villapol, P Yap, A Binagwaho, A Kamarulzaman, A El-Mohandes, Panel COVID-19 Consensus Statement, Marleen Temmerman

2022 A retrospective review of genital fistula occurrence in nine African countries

Carrie Ngongo, Thomas J. I. P. Raassen, Marietta Mahendeka, Ladeisha Lombard, Jos van Roosmalen, Marleen Temmerman

2022 Acceptability and feasibility of a low-cost device for gestational age assessment in a low-resource setting : qualitative study

A Koech, PM Musitia, GM Mwashigadi, MW Kinshella, M Vidler, Marleen Temmerman, R Craik, Peter von Dadelszen, JA Noble, AT Papageorghiou, Network PRECISE

2022 Are sexual and reproductive health and rights taught in medical school? Results from a global survey

M Endler, T Al-Haidari, C Benedetto, S Chowdhury, J Christilaw, F El Kak, D Galimberti, M Gutierrez, S Ibrahim, S Kumari, C McNicholas, DM Flores, J Muganda, A Ramirez-Negrin, H Senanayake, R Sohail, Marleen Temmerman, K Gemzell Danielsson

2022 Cervical cancer programme, Kenya, 2011-2020 : lessons to guide elimination as a public health problem

V Mwenda, W Mburu, JP Bor, M Nyangasi, Marc Arbyn, Steven Weyers, Philippe Tummers, Marleen Temmerman

2022 Exploring the impact of health worker strikes on maternal and child health in a Kenyan county

Abdu Mohiddin, Eva Langat, James Orwa, Violet Naanyu, Marleen Temmerman

Annual Reports

2016 2015 2014 2013 2012