2010 Beyond figures: snapshots from research of sexual and reproductive health

Marleen Temmerman, Kristien Michielsen, Peter Decat, Dirk Van Braeckel

2010 Comparison of different sampling techniques and of different culture methods for detection of group B streptococcus carriage in pregnant women

Nabil El Aila, Inge Tency, Geert Claeys, Bart Saerens, Piet Cools, Hans Verstraelen, Marleen Temmerman, Rita Verhelst, Mario Vaneechoutte

2010 De beleving van epidurale verdoving tijdens de arbeid: een exploratieve, kwalitatieve studie bij 15 jonge moeders

SOFIE MOREELS, Ilse Delbaere, Marleen Temmerman, M Grypdonck

2010 Development of an in vitro dual-chamber model of the female genital tract as a screening tool for epithelial toxicity

Youssef Gali, Kevin K Arien, Marleen Praet, Rafael Van den Bergh, Marleen Temmerman, Olivier Delezay, Guido Vanham

2010 Evaluation of different culture media, swabs and sampling techniques for rapid detection of vaginal and rectal group B streptococci in pregnant women

Nabil El Aila, Inge Tency, Geert Claeys, Bart Saerens, Marleen Temmerman, Rita Verhelst, Mario Vaneechoutte

2010 Female genital cutting and sexual function: in search of an alternate theoretical model

T Esho, P Enzlin, S Van Wolputte, Marleen Temmerman

2010 Female sex work and the 2010 soccer world cup

Wim Delva, Marlise Richter, Petra De Koker, Matthew Chersich, Marleen Temmerman, Eric Harper, Gerrit Maritz

2010 HIV prevention through sport: the case of the Mathare Youth Sport Association in Kenya

Wim Delva, Kristien Michielsen, Bert Meulders, Sandy Groeninck, Edwin Wasonga, Pauline Ajwang, Marleen Temmerman, Bart Vanreusel

2010 Hysterectomie ter regulatie van de menses bij een patiënte met het syndroom van Down

Isabelle Dehaene, Kristien Roelens, Jan Gerris, Marleen Temmerman

2010 Illegale abortus en maternale sterfte in Oeganda

Céline Vanfraechem, Marleen Temmerman

Annual Reports

2016 2015 2014 2013 2012