2010 Repeat digital cervical assessment in pregnancy for identifying women at risk of preterm labour

Sophie Alexander, Michel Boulvain, Gilles Ceysens, Edwige Haelterman, Wei Hong Zhang

2010 Effect of alternative feeds characteristic for Mediterranean dry areas on the quality of milk and dairy products from Awassi sheep

Souheila Abbeddou, Hans-Dieter Hess, Muhi El-dine Hilali, Barbara Rischkowsky, Michael Kreuzer

2010 Effect of local feed alternatives on milk fatty acid composition of fat-tailed Awassi ewes

Souheila Abbeddou, Dieter Hess, Barbara Rischkowsky, Michael Kreuzer

2010 Nutritional composition of lentil straw, vetch hay, olive leaves, and saltbush leaves and their digestibility as measured in fat-tailed sheep

Souheila Abbeddou, S Rihawi, HD Hess, L Iñiguez, AC Mayer, M Kreuzer

2010 Ruminal degradability, digestibility, energy content, and influence on nitrogen turnover of various Mediterranean by-products in fat-tailed Awassi sheep

Souheila Abbeddou, S Riwahi, L Iñiguez, M Zaklouta, HD Hess, M Kreuzer

2010 Concurrent sexual and substance-use risk behaviours among female sex workers in Kenya's Coast Province : findings from a behavioural monitoring survey

SP Tegang, S Abdallah, G Emukule, Stanley Lüchters, N Kingola, M Barasa, S Mucheke, P Mwarogo

2010 Make it work! Prevention of sexual and gender-based violence in the European Reception and asylum sector

Erika Frans, Ines Keygnaert

2010 Seksueel geweld tegen vluchtelingen, asielzoekers en mensen zonder wettig verblijf in België en Nederland

Ines Keygnaert

2010 A conceptual framework for analysis of HIV testing policies in Europe

Jessika Deblonde, Herman Meulemans, Steven Callens, Marleen Temmerman, Françoise F Hamers

2010 Advies- en hulpvragen van jongeren in verband met seksualiteit

Anniek Desimpel, Kristien Roelens, Marleen Temmerman, Wim Delva, Fabienne De Boeck, Jellen Goethals, Lea Maes

Annual Reports

2016 2015 2014 2013 2012