Pregnancy outcome of Moroccan and Turkish women in Belgium

Authors & affiliation

Y Jacquemyn, N Benjahia, G Martens, Hatice Yuksel, Kathia van Egmond, Marleen Temmerman


Objective: To compare perinatal outcome in women from Turkish and Moroccan descent versus autochthonous women in Belgium. Methods: Retrospective cohort study, data from an existing database, coupled with sociodemographic data from birth certificates. Results: There were more teenage pregnancies in the Moroccan and Turkish group, Moroccan women delivered more frequently after age 40 but Turkish women less frequently. In Moroccan and Turkish women the level of education was lower, they had less hypertension, fewer pregnancies after artificial reproductive technology and preterm deliveries, more diabetes and more grand multiparity. Moroccan women demonstrated more HIV infection. Planned cesarean section was less frequent in the Moroccan and Turkish group, and there was no difference for secondary cesarean section. Belgian women had more induction of labor, instrumental vaginal delivery and epidural anesthesia. There were more babies with low birth weight in both the Moroccan and Turkish group. Moroccan woman had more babies with a birth weight above 4,500 g. Total perinatal death rate was higher for Moroccan women while there was no difference between Belgian and Turkish babies. Conclusion: Moroccan women demonstrated higher rates of HIV infection and perinatal mortality, while in both Turkish and Moroccon women diabetes was higher and hypertension less frequent. Belgian women underwent more interventions during pregnancy.

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Staff members:

Marleen Temmerman

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Pregnancy_outcome.pdf (restricted)

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