LGBTQIA+ sensitive primary care in Flanders : preliminary results of a KAP-survey among general practitioners

Authors & affiliation

Ines Keygnaert, Anke Vandenberghe, Lotte De Schrijver, Lisa Fomenko


Commissioned by the Institute for the Equality of Women and Men, Domus Medica, Ugent-ICRH, Cavaria, and the Transgender Info Point at the Ghent University Hospital, conduct a capacity building project on LGBTQIA+ sensitive health care for general practitioners (GP’s) in Flanders. The consortium developed a central webpage and a case-based training on LGBTQIA+ inclusive health care. Both general and specific health care aspects regarding LGBTQIA+ persons are addressed. During the training sessions, a small group of GP’s discuss several topics based on real life cases. How did the training impact the GP’s knowledge, attitude and practices regarding LGBTQIA+ sensitive primary care? Immediately prior to and upon finishing the training and three months later, participating GP’s completed an online questionnaire on their knowledge, attitude and practice regarding LGBTQIA+ sensitive practice. During this presentation, preliminary findings regarding the impact of the training offered to GP’s on their knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding LGBTQIA+ sensitive primary care will be presented. The evaluation of the training will be discussed based on the study results and suggestions for future training initiatives on LGBTQIA+ sensitive care will be formulated based on the lessons learned during this project. The aim of this project was to build competence in GPs to improve their knowledge, skills and attitudes towards LGBTQI+ patients and thus combat current gender-based health inequalities. Evaluation of such trainings is needed to make informed decisions about allocating sufficient resources to evidence-based, time- and cost-effective interventions targeting these goals.

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Staff members:

Ines Keygnaert

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